Post-Election Open Letter

Maryam Zahid

Dear friend and supporters,

Wow, life has been full on! We’ve had a change in government, the election campaign came to an end, our cause is ever more important, especially as our sisters in Afghanistan are facing more and more restrictions.

During the federal election campaign I was approached by government and non-government organisations, as well as both political parties to participate in various events.

My attendance may have led to assumptions being made about which political party I supported, or I am part of.

Here is my simple and easy answer. I am not affiliated with any political party, my cause is women in need and especially the community I am of, Afghan women. I am not for Labor, Liberal, Green or Independent. I am for the empowerment of women. I am for Afghan Women On The Move.

Afghan Women on the Move has more than 5 thousand members and volunteers and 10000+ friends and supporters globally. We come from different religious and political and cultural perspectives and backgrounds, including young and old, they are drawn from many political persuasions and have different food flavours, cultural codes and have seen war, struggle and trauma. We deeply know the experience of loss and gain.

My purpose is to fire up and advocate for social justice. I encourage and celebrate diversity and inclusion. I am a local woman serving the community of women who need empowerment and a voice; my friends and supporters, together we want a fairer world - where the common good rises above division.

At the start of the federal election campaign, I saw the opportunity to make a difference, so I wrote and approached candidates urging them to bring about a fairer multicultural policy with strong focus on women.

I am a simple woman with a lot of dreams and am absolutely committed to helping my community. I seek to have good and respectful relationships with all levels in the Australian community.

My aim as the head of Afghan Women On The Move, is to bring about positive change. I look forward to working with the new government and anyone else at the decision-making table to address long-term disadvantage for multicultural women. Together we can deliver a fairer Australia for all Australians.

Finally, as I get older, I realize that what's truly important in life is the people you surround yourself with those who love you for who you are. Your close family and friends. I'm so blessed to also be surrounded by this amazing community. A community filled with individuals that make every day special and give their time to contribute to the work that #Afghan women on the Move is involved with, especially the troubled circumstances unfolding in Afghanistan. I know we have a long road ahead of us but as long we are united and focus, we can make it. I believe no nation can reach its full potential unless and until it embraces the skills, talent, energy and ideas of its entire population and that must include the 50% that is female … and here we come!

Thank you from the bottom of my heart for being here friends and supporters! It means the world!


Maryam Zahid, Founder & Director

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